The Butte County Sheriff’s Communication Reserve (BCSCR) is an all-volunteer unit comprised of communications professionals and hobbyists. Members are all ages, all walks of life and all career paths but possess a love of learning, a passion for technology and an eagerness to help.
Chaplins • Consultants • Directors • Engineers • Ham Radio Operators • Hobbyists • Managers • Nurses • Photographers • Professionals • Retirees • Students • Systems Administrators
Membership is open to all who can meet minimum requirements.
- Be 18 years old and a legal U.S. resident.
- Pass full BCSO & DMV background checks.
- Cover costs incurred for uniforms and personal equipment.
- While not mandatory, having an Amateur Radio license is extremely beneficial.
- Attend regular meetings, respond to calls and dedicate time to the team (within reason).
- Have an affinity for technology, a willingness to learn and a commitment to helping the community.
Much of CR’s activity is behind the scenes; away from the public eye. When on duty, members of CR wear the same uniform as Deputies, drive the same fully-marked vehicles and respond to the same disaster calls inside police/fire lines. As such, all members must be comfortable being so high-profile and exercise good judgement in behaviour, speech and appearance.
For more information, and to talk to us about joining, please send an email to and our command staff will be in touch soon!